So you think you're a geek huh?

Wanna prove your stuff and be listed as an Uber Geek?  Send me your name, accomplishments, and liks to your Geeky Site (no adds please) - with a tally and I'll post you in my Geek Hall of Fame.

Send to :

This will also help me track down more classifications of geek experience for future posts.

In the meantime, geek out!

Level Advancement - Novice

For all of you who are familiar with roll play games; who am I kidding, we're geeks right? So levels for being a geek are based on experience. The more experience you have, the higher your level.

Novice Geek:

We'll define it simply ...for the early levels you need 2^X points where X is the level, once achieved you are that level.

Level 0 = 1 experience
Level 1 = 2 experience
Level 2 = 4 experience
Level 3 = 8 experience
Level 4 = 16 experience
Level 5 = 32 experience

Levels 1 - 5 are the novice geek levels. Just about anyone who enjoys entertainment in general can easily achieve these.

Level Advancement - Geek


For level 6 and up you'll need at least 2 subclasses (specialized knowledge or experience) brought to level 4 to advance. So, you may have a concentration of experience with Comic books and Star Trek... once they have both achieved level 4 and you have enough experience to achieve level 6, you are officially a level 6 geek.

Level 6 = 64 experience + 2 subclasses at level 4 (each have 16 experience)
Level 7 = 128 experience + 2 subclasses at level 4
Level 8 = 256 experience + 2 subclasses at level 4
Level 9 = 512 experience + 2 subclasses at level 4

Levels 6 - 9 you are officially a certified geek. You probably have friends who share your interests and chat about things "normals" would not understand. You may have actually attended a convention or two.

Level Advancement - Major Geek

Major Geek:

For level 10 and up... although you probably have already done this, you need at least 3 subclasses (specialized knowledge or experience) brought to level 7 to advance. So, you may have a concentration of experience with Animated TV, Roll Play Games and Kevin Smith... once they have All achieved level 7 and you have enough experience to achieve level 10, you are officially a level 10 geek.

Level 10 = 1,024 experience + 3 subclasses at level 7 (each have 128 experience)
Level 11 = 2,048 experience + 3 subclasses at level 7
Level 12 = 4,096 experience + 3 subclasses at level 7
Level 13 = 8,192 experience + 3 subclasses at level 7
Level 14 = 16,384 experience + 3 subclasses at level 7

For Level 15 and up ... although you probably have already done this, you need at least 5 subclasses (specialized knowledge or experience) brought to level 8 to advance. Once they have All achieved level 8 and you have enough experience to achieve level 15, you are officially a level 15 geek.

Level 15 = 32,768 experience + 5 subclasses at level 10 (each have 1024 experience)
Level 16 = 65,536 experience + 5 subclasses at level 10
Level 17 = 131,072 experience + 5 subclasses at level 10
Level 18 = 262,144 experience + 5 subclasses at level 10
Level 19 = 524,288 experience + 5 subclasses at level 10

Level 10 - 19 you are a Major geek. Other geeks look to you for specific knowledge about your areas of expertise and may even seek your approval when voicing their own opinion.

Level Advancement - Uber Geek

Uber Geek :

For Level 20 and up ... although you probably have already done this, you need at least 7 subclasses (specialized knowledge or experience) brought to level 13 to advance. Additionally, you must declare your expertise in a Prestige Class and achieve level 16 in it. Once Once you have achieved these goals and you have enough experience to achieve level 20, you are officially a level 20 geek.

Level 20 = 1,048,576 experience
                 +7 subclasses at level 13 (8,192 experience each)
                 +1 Prestige (a specialized subclass) at level 16 (65,536 experience)

If you are really this geeky, I don't even need to tell you how to chart the rest of the levels. Heck you could write this blog...

At level 20 and above, you are an Uber Geek. You are the EXPERT in at least one slice of geekdom. You probably know every word to Holy Grail. You my be recognized by your own fans at Comic Con. Writers seek your approval for story continuity. You probably have had dinner with three of the Doctors and are on a first name with another. You may have written your own blog on how to advance in Geek Levels. Enough said.

Class:Subclass:Specialization:Prestige (example breakdown)

What do I mean by subclass and prestige class... these are more specific topics of geek experiences.
The groupings are as follows -
Class: Subclass: Specialization: Prestige

There will be crossover between groupings - that's fine, just enjoy the geeky experience.

For example

TV - Animated: US Cartoons - Child: After School : Thundercats

So, you could have a subclass of TV - Animated: US Cartoons - Child:
and a prestige class of  TV - Animated: US Cartoons - Child: After School : Thundercats

By the the time you have to decalre your Prestige, you'll probably know the exact count of spots on Cheetara and all of the magical properties of the Eye of Thundera.

Gaining Experience sample - TV shows

Experience is gained by giving yourself up to the joy of geekdom. For TV, this will involve watching the show.

  • Watching an episode +1 pt ... you get this only once for each episode
  • Completing a season +2 pt ... you get this only once for each season of the show
  • Completing the series +10 pt ... you get this only once for each show
  • Completing the series while it is still on TV +10 pt
  • Rewatching the complete series +10 pt
Additionally, this may include additional outside activities (not all recommended).

  • Watching a syndicated episode 10+ years after airdate +1 pt each
  • Reading the novelization +2 pt for each
  • Having a 1+ hour debate about the show with friends +3 pt
  • Owning the DVD +3 pt for each season
  • Watching all of the extras on the DVDs +3 pt
  • Owning show paraphernalia +4pt each
  • Finding all of the Easter eggs on a DVD series and posting them to a website +5pt
  • Getting cast / writers autographs +5 pt each
  • Owning a script +7 pt
  • Having dinner with a cast member +15 pt each
  • Author and publish a Zine or web comic about the show +15 pt
  • Working on the set +20 pt
  • Redesign part of your life/work habits themed to the show +35 pt
  • Getting a guest spot on the show +50 pt (you already have to be a fan)
  • Owning a part of the set / props /costumes (no replicas) +50 pt
  • Intimate encounter with a cast member +90 pt
  • Host your own fan made webisodes online +200 pt
  • Getting arrested for violating your restraining order for a cast member -5pt (that's just going too far)
As you can see, these can add up quickly.

My Recent Geeking Log

08/28/09 (11pt)
  • Listen and Sing Along with Weird Al Yankovic  (3 hrs) 2 pt
  • Updated Geek Levels Blog                                                 1 pt
  • Watched 8 "ChinaMan" Videos on u-tube (comedy)    2 pt
  • Star Trek Slot Machine @ Boulder Station                          1pt
  • Free Beer - Comedy Improv Show                                     2 pt  
  • Pirates, Farmville, Mafia Wars on Facebook                       3 pt
08/27/09 (36 pt)
  • Listen and Sing Along with Weird Al Yankovic    2 pt
  • Started Geek Levels blog                                       20 pt
  • "Family Guy" Season 2 episodes 1-7                        7 pt
  • Live Action "The Tick" Season 1 Episode 5-8          4 pt
  • Pirates, Farmville, Mafia Wars on Facebook             3 pt
08/26/09 (13 pt)
  • Found two new Weird Al Songs Online                  2 pt
    • Ringtone
    • CNR
  • Pinball at the Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame          2 pt
  • Dinner with friends including Geek converastion      1 pt
  • Live Action "The Tick" Season 1 Episode 1-4        4 pt
  • Pirates, Farmville, Mafia Wars on Facebook                   3 pt
  • Sudoku/crossword Puzzles                                                             1 pt
08/25/09 (5 pt)
  • Posted a review finding all of the faults and gotchas in a Vegas Strip magic show 1pt
  • Pirates, Farmville, Mafia Wars on Facebook        3 pt
  • Sudoku Puzzles 1 pt
08/24/09 (14 pt)
  • SET - Comedy Improv Show                 2 pt
  • Season 1 of "Family Guy" (7 episodes)        9 pt
  • Pirates, Farmville, Mafia Wars on Facebook           3 pt
08/23/09 (54 pt)
  • Season 10 of M*A*S*H (21 episodes)     23 pt
  • Season 11 of M*A*S*H (16 episodes)     18 pt
  • M*A*S*H Series complete                    10 pt
  • Pirates, Farmville, Mafia Wars on Facebook            3 pt
As you can see, in just the last 6 days, I've earned 132 pt of experience
of that
- TV : Live Action: Comedy - 59 pt
- TV: Animated : Comedy - 16 pt
- Live Entertainment: Comedy: Stand-up 2pt
- Live Entertainment: Comedy: Improv 4pt
- Technology: Internet: Blog - 22 pt
- Music: Parody: Weird Al Yankovic 6 pt
- Geek Socialization - 1 pt
- Gaming: Pinball 2 pt
-Gaming: Paper 2 pt
-Gaming: Computer:Facebook 18 pt
-Gaming: Gambling: SciFi Theme 1pt

This limited experience (forgetting the rest of my crazy life) get's me to level 7.

Geek Tithe - Annual

Attaing your Uber Geek status is not enough.  Some of the more prominant geeks feel that they must show reverence to the great Geek Gods by performing great acts prior to going to Comic Con the next year.

An example of this might be one of the following:
  • Watching every available episode of Dr. Who - along with a moment of silence for the lost episodes.
  • Watching all of Star Trek.  Yes even the animated series, the odd numbered moves and even the bastard series Enterprise should be included.
  • 10 - 48 hour marathon D&D sessions
  • Buliding and maintaing a Geek Blog like this one.  (Send me the link)
  • Re-reading everything written about StarWars including the stories about the kids and the Technical Manuals.
You get the idea.  Something above and beyond so that the white light of geekdom will shine down on you during Comic Con.