Class:Subclass:Specialization:Prestige (example breakdown)

What do I mean by subclass and prestige class... these are more specific topics of geek experiences.
The groupings are as follows -
Class: Subclass: Specialization: Prestige

There will be crossover between groupings - that's fine, just enjoy the geeky experience.

For example

TV - Animated: US Cartoons - Child: After School : Thundercats

So, you could have a subclass of TV - Animated: US Cartoons - Child:
and a prestige class of  TV - Animated: US Cartoons - Child: After School : Thundercats

By the the time you have to decalre your Prestige, you'll probably know the exact count of spots on Cheetara and all of the magical properties of the Eye of Thundera.